What is a Confirmation Statement?

Sharon Abraham

August 10, 2022

In June 2016, the UK government replaced the annual return AR01 form with confirmation statements. 

What is the point of a confirmation statement?

Companies House uses confirmation statements to ensure that the information they have about a limited company is accurate. Your company changes shouldn’t be reported using this form.

What’s the difference between the old annual return (AR01) and a confirmation statement?

The two confirmation statements are similar and contain much of the same information, but the newer statement contains a lot more information about ‘People with Significant Control’ (PSCs). A company’s ownership and management information is publicly available, and it identifies those involved.

How do I register a PSC (Person with Significant Control)?

Regularly reviewing and updating this information is essential, including:

  • The PSC’s name
  • Nationality
  • Month and year of birth
  • Country of residence
  • Service and residential addresses
  • The date on which they assumed significant control in the company.

Additionally, you should explain why they should be included as a PSC, and what their position and status in the organisation are.

Which types of organisations are required to complete a confirmation statement?

All UK limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) need to file a confirmation statement every twelve months. This includes if the partnership or company is dormant. 

In the event that there haven’t been any changes, what should I do?

The existing information held on the public record can be checked and confirmed if nothing has changed since your last confirmation statement.

How much does it cost to file a confirmation statement?

In any 12-month period, you will need to pay £13 to file a confirmation statement online. Having filed another one in the same period won’t result in an additional charge since you only have to pay the £13 fee once a year. In the event that you decide to file a paper submission, the fee increases to £40.

Who within the company or partnership is responsible for completing the confirmation statement?

Confirmation statements are usually filed by a company secretary. However, ultimately the responsibility comes down to the directors of the company.

What if my confirmation statement is filed late?

It is compulsory to file your confirmation statement within 14 days of your review period ending otherwise you are at risk of being removed from the register or prosecuted. 

How can Monx help?

Monx helps companies of all sizes with our dedicated Company Secretary services, this helps to ensure you never miss a deadline or risk being penalised. 

Email us today at hello@monx.team to find out more!

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